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Root Canal Treatment in Rajajinagar

Root Canal Treatment

Are you experiencing severe toothache or sensitivity to hot and cold food? You might need a root canal treatment. At Revive Dental Clinic, we offer the best root canal treatment in Rajajinagar, Bangalore.

What is RCT ( Root Canal Treatment)?

It is a denral procedure done to save your natural tooth. During the procedure the infected part of the tooth called pulp is removed and replaced with a biocompatible material called gutta-percha This procedure saves the tooth from extraction and prevents further damage.

When is root canal treatment done?

Root canal is done when the soft tissue inside the root canal, called pulp, becomes inflamed or infected.

What are the indications of RCT?

Some common symptoms that indicate you may need root canal treatment include

  • Persistent tooth pain
  • Sensitivity to heat and cold
  • Swollen gums
  • A pimple on the gums
  • Swollen jaw
  • Tooth discoloration
  • Pain when pressure is applied
  • A chipped or cracked tooth
  • A loose tooth

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s best to consult an experienced endodontist at Revive Dental Clinic in Rajajinagar for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

What Happens During a Root Canal Treatment?

A root canal treatment typically involves three stages:

Diagnosis: Our endodontist will examine your teeth and take X-rays to determine the spread of the infection.

Treatment: The dentist will then remove the infected pulp will be from your tooth’s root canal using specialized instruments. After which, the root canal will then be cleaned and filled with a biocompatible material.

Restoration: After the root canal treatment, your dentist will fill the tooth cavity with dental filling and a crown if fitted to protect the tooth.

Benefits of Root Canal Treatment

Some of the benefits of RCT are:

Pain relief: As pain is caused by inflammation or infection of the pulp. During RCT the infected pulp is removed, which helps relieves the pain.

Preservation of natural teeth: Root canal treatment can help save your natural teeth from extraction.

Prevention of further damage: Removing the infection helps prevent it from spreading.

Improved oral health: Root canal treatment can help improve your oral health by removing the source of infection and preventing it from spreading to other teeth or parts of the body.

Efficient and cost-effective: Root canal treatment is often more efficient and cost-effective than tooth extraction.

How long does a root canal treatment take?

Usually, RCT is done over multiple sittings, but you can get single sitting root canal treatment in Rajajinagar at Revive dental Clinic. Typically, a single-rooted tooth can be treated in one session lasting about 30-60 minutes, while multi-rooted teeth may require multiple sessions.

Is Root Canal Treatment Painful?

Root canal treatment is generally painless as your dentist will use local anesthesia. You may experience some discomfort or sensitivity after the procedure, but this can be managed with prescribed painkillers.

Why Choose Revive Dental Clinic for Root Canal Treatment in Rajajinagar?

At Revive Dental Clinic, we are a team of experienced endodontists specializing in root canal treatment. We use only the highest quality materials and follow international safety protocols to ensure your safety.

If you’re looking for the best root canal treatment in Rajajinagar, look no further than Revive Dental Clinic. Our experienced endodontists and state-of-the-art facilities ensure you receive the best dental care possible. Book an appointment today and say goodbye to toothache!

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